Monday, June 1, 2009

The future of the blog and website

It felt good to make the post below...everything related to Gunflint to Ely Canoe (a.k.a. "The Great Canoe Misadventure of 2008") is now on the web and available for your viewing enjoyment.

So...what now?

As I've alluded, I'm wasit deep in the educational mire that is grad school (despite how that sounds, it's a positive thing). I had no idea how busy I would be this spring, trying to keep up with studies and work and life's everyday snafus. Jenni remains contently busy at her Wildnerness Inquiry job. And we adopted our foster dog earlier this having full responsibility for doggie means even less time for silly website-related tasks.

But it would seem a shame to intentionally neglect the website and blog from here on out (note: the neglect the blog has experienced in the last six months is unintentional neglect, which is altogether different). So I'll make it a point to post an update here from time to time on anything related to paddling or other adventures relating to the silent sports we enjoy. Jenni has been coordinating paddling day trips through the W.I.-coined "UWCA" (that's Urban Wilderness Canoe Area; nifty video here) along Mississippi River through Minneapolis and St. Paul as part of her job, and occasionally joins groups for the afternoon. I hope to paddle with her once or twice this summer, and to take my own grand daylong kayak adventure down the Mighty Miss' and through the locks. Eventually, I'll get around to posting some photos should these excursions come to fruition.

I've also been doing some thinking about another Gunflint to Ely trip - this time in reverse. I'm crazy enough to consider trying to kayak from the Ely area (starting from White Iron Lake) up to the U.S.-Canada border and then following the border lakes east toward Clearwater. That's an expedition that may have to wait for a year or two. If we do plan it, however, you can expect an eventual update over at

Until the next post, here's a shot of 10-person voyageur canoes heading down the Mississippi River under the Hwy. 5 bridge at Fort Snelling, taken in early May from my kayak.

Trip Report finished!

Actually, it's been finished for nearly a month, which goes to show you how great I am about blogging. But if you haven't caught it already, it's available here.

Make yourself a cup of coffee - or perhaps an icy cold beverage of your choice, given the season - and pull up a chair to join us for the journey.

Thursday, April 2, 2009

Grad school gets in the way

Ah, well, here we are: the Gunflint to Ely Canoe blog is still limping along. So much for getting the rest of the trip report posted "in the next week or so." I should have saved that comment for April Fool's Day.

We haven't been totally neglecting the website: The Trip Report has been posted through Day 3.

But we - er, I - have been really slow to get everything posted. Blame it on grad school, which I started in January. A word to the wise: I do not recommend taking more than a full-time-student load of grad school credits while trying to cram a full-time job into part-time hours. And I managed to take the GMAT in the midst of all of that.

If that wasn't enough, the old computer died, which you can read slightly more about here.

Blah blah blah. Anyway, the bottom line is, the poor Gunflint to Ely Canoe project has been largely neglected all winter, but my life has calmed down enough now that I am going to make getting the trip report online a priority.

It's turning out to be a small novel, by the way, so it couldn't hurt for you to get started now:

Prologue: Canoe Plan B, and Meeting The Beaver

Day 1: Off and Running in a Race Against Daylight

Day 2: The Most Direct Route is Not Always Preferable

Day 3: Lost on the Frost River

Don't forget to check out our photo galleries, with 30+ photos already online and more to come!

Saturday, January 3, 2009

The Trip Report begins (and Frequently Asked Questions)

Better late than never. Right? The first installment of the Trip Report - Prologue, Canoe Plan B and Meeting The Beaver - has been posted on our website. Huzzah! We thought you might have a few questions, so we'll do our best to answer them below:

Why did it take you so bloody long to post the Trip Report?!
Why, the usual reason, of course - we were busy. Busy with stuff at work, busy taking Lily Dog for walks, busy getting ready to send Eric to grad school, busy getting ready for the holidays, busy celebrating the holidays, and busy sleeping off rich, delicious holiday food.

Why is the only thing on the Trip Report page a crummy prologue?
Every good story ought to begin with a prologue. Besides, the retelling of Day 1 was already too long for a single page, so we chopped the top off and slapped a "Prologue" title on it. Clever, eh?

That still doesn't answer my question about why there's nothing more than a prologue on the Trip Report menu page.
Oh - right. Each day of the trip will be added in succession over the next week or so.

What about the photo galleries? I'm here for the pictures and all the Trip Report page says is "coming soon."
The galleries roughly correspond to each of the trip days. They will be added in conjunction with the narrative for each day.

Were any animals harmed during the making of this production?
Yes. We squashed a leech on a rock. We tried to light another one on fire. Several others that had latched onto the canoe were left to shrivel up and die.

Enough with the FAQ - head on over to the site and check out the Trip Report!

Sunday, December 28, 2008

And...we STILL haven't updated the website

OK, this is becoming rather broken-record-ish and probably getting annoying for those of you interested in hearing about the trip. We expected to put an update online by Christmas and, obviously, it didn't happen. But the build-up to the holidays is always a bit crazy and unfortunately the website updates suffered as a result.


I'm pleased to announce that I've finished the first draft of the entire trip report (all 30+ pages of it). I'll be editing it in the next few days and you will see updates to the website very soon. And for those of you drooling over a detailed story of the journey, I promise you will not be disappointed. So please, check back soon!

Sunday, November 30, 2008

'Gaah! Why haven't you updated the website?'

A valid question, no doubt. I know that some of you keep checking back to find out more about our trip, and, frankly, you're getting weary of the fact that nothing is ever updated on the site or our blog.

Well, yes. Poo on us for having not posted so much as a single lousy picture! "Busy" is a crappy excuse, but that's just how our fall has been.

But the update is coming soon. I'm finally going through the trip diary now and composing an expansive and windy narrative all about our adventure. Reviewing each day, it's quite amazing how much happened. I won't fall into the trap of giving myself a deadline - too many of those to deal with at work all of the time - but I will tell you that the Greatly Anticipated Trip Report should be up and live on sometime in the next couple of weeks - absolutely before Christmas. (I'd love to devote 100 percent of my time to it now, actually, but gosh darn it, I gots to earn a livin' too and that kind of gets in the way of website hobbies.)

Seriously - thanks for your patience. The full trip report is coming soon...

P.S.: Trip report teaser - which you might have gathered from reading the last post about a guy with the gun in his truck - Gunflint to Ely Canoe did not end how, or where, we expected. Stay tuned!

Sunday, September 14, 2008

We survived

Eight days.
About 8,300 rods* of hiking and hauling gear.
More rock scrapes on the canoe than we'd care to admit.
Too many dam beaver dams.
The stink of mouldering socks and hiking boots.
A few precious moments of blue skies, sun, and Boundary Waters beauty.
Thunder, lighting, and rain.
Hitching a ride from a guy who had a gun in the front seat of his pickup.
And rain.

[*Because 1 rod equals 16 feet, we portaged - and hiked back to the start and hauled more gear and the canoe across on a second round - more than 25 miles. No kidding. Small wonder my ankle feels like it's been trampled by a moose.]

We made it. We're home. You heard it here first.

And we have stories to tell. Check for updates. We'll be posting the story of our adventure, day by day, in the coming weeks.

As always, we will keep you abrest of our updates via the blog. Stay tuned!